DOGS...DOGS...DOGS.. You've just gotta love them, so I continue to tell myself. This is a true story...I am one of the fortunate people that can take lunch time at home. My office is only a 7 min. drive from my home. As I opened my front door today at lunch time, two very unhappy little dogs greeted me. Millie, the
baby had a terrible upset stomach and was covered with poop. I could tell that Maggie (the older one) must have tried to
help her, because her front legs and chest were covered with the baby's poop. Needless to say, I spent my lunch time cleaning up the best I could until evening. I sprayed both dogs with water to get the bulk off, gathered up throw rugs,
crawled around on hands and knees to clean all the little puddles of poop off the
hardwood floor, and boy did I spray lots of
febreze into the air. Oh my gosh! How did she get it on the wall? As I was about to finish and scrub up, (Just vision, I am still crawling around on all four legs as you might say) and my hair continued to fall in my face, I was getting a little irritated so I positioned my fingers to push it back. To late, my fingers were already in a rapid forward motion. Oh
Lordy, as they passed my nose I could smell it, again to
late. Yes, I jumped up and ran to the bathroom and had to spray down the front top of my hair to remove the clot of poop that was stuck there. No time to use the dryer, dried it the best I could with a
towel. Made sure the babies were okay, grabbed an apple and a muffin and back to work I hurried. I think the smell l
ingered in my sinuses for most of the day and I was self-conscious of still having the poop on me, and boy was I praying that others couldn't smell what my sinuses were allowing me to smell. Returning home for the evening, both babies were doing well and had forgotten about the perils of our lunchtime madness. Had a very busy evening washing away the last remnants of the earlier noontime disaster. Both babies received a very good scrub. The night ended with two little babies curled up close to their mommy
and producing some very pleasant little
ZZZZZZZ"s.. Have a blessed uneventful day!!!!!!